

ISBN:9789571456638 科目:英文 出版社:三民 適用:高中 上架日期:2020-11-18 瀏覽人數:4671
優惠價 NT$240 (85折)
定價 NT$280


“隨書附有解析本,提供完整文章翻譯,並加以詳解,幫助你掌握文章脈絡,並學習相關解題技巧及應答策略。 ”英文
收錄克漏字測驗最常見之主題,共 30 個單元,每單元皆有兩則短篇及一篇則長篇測驗,讓你充分熟悉各式題材,並從中觀察文章內容、學習字句用法,奠定作答實力。
連貫式翻譯每單元提供 2 組練習題目,並附上重要句型講解、題組所需的關鍵字彙及參考範例,透過本書獨特的反覆練習模式,提昇你的翻譯寫作能力。
1. Animals (I)
(A) Bats
(B) A Study on Monkey Speech
(C) Camouflage Animals
2. Animals (II)
(A) Whaling
(B) The Dodo
(C) Avoiding Extinction—A Success Story
3. Sports (I)
(A) Sportsmanship
(B) Sports Injuries
(C) Paralympics
4.Sports (II)
(A) The Black Sox Scandal
(B) Fanning Violence
(C) Dying to Win
5. Sports (III)
(A) Feeling Stressed? Try Yoga Today!
(B) Scuba Diving
(C) Extreme Sport
6. History: Human Rights Movement
(A) Nelson Mandela
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) The Power of Nonviolence
7. History: Ancient Civilization
(A) A Lost City
(B) The Fate of Pompeii
(C) Who Were the Maya?
8. History: Business
(A) The Rolex Company
(B) The McDonald's Corporation
(C) The Coca-Cola Company
9. History: Architecture
(A) Colosseum of Rome
(B) Towering over the World
(C) An Alarming Discovery
10. History: Education
(A) The Graduation Ceremony
(B) Eleven Hundred Years of Learning
(C) Medieval Education
11. History: Invention
(A) The Origin of the Chewing Gum
(B) The Hula Hoop
(C) The Kite
12. History: Mysteries
(A) The History of the Loch Ness Monster
(B) The Devil's Sea
(C) The Real Truth Behind the Yeti
13. Inspirational Biography
(A) Terry Fox
(B) Christopher Reeve
(C) Helen Keller
14. Inspirational Stories
(A) Cultivating Self-Confidence
(B) The Mighty River
(C) The Road
15. Medicine
(A) Disease Detectives
(B) A Miracle Drug, But Not for All of US
(C) The Scene of Aromatherapy
16. Language
(A) Ima Tell You About Ebonics
(B) The Oriental Expression
(C) A New Style of English
17. Astronomy
(A) Vacation on the Moon
(B) Mercury
(C) A Tenth Planet in Our Solar System?
18. Charity
(A) Virtual Volunteering
(B) Oxfam International
(C) A Lot of Good From A Little Giving
19. Environmental Protection (I)
(A) The Double Edged Blade of Tourism
(B) Preserving Natural Areas
(C) An Inconvenient Truth
20. Environmental Protection (II)
(A) True Earth-Friendly Buying
(B) Ecological Art
(C) Fashion Gets Green
21. Geography
(A) Earth's Amazing Ranges
(B) El Nino and La Nina
(C) Living Below Sea Level
22. Science
(A) It May Be More Than a Little Dangerous
(B) Plugging in to the Future
(C) Nanotechnology Meets Reality
23. Health
(A) Slow Food
(B) Lifestyle Diseases
(C) U.S. Food Culture
24. Parents
(A) Working Mothers, Happy Mothers?
(B) Stay-at-home Dads
(C) Helicopter Parents
25 Literature (I)
(A) Notre-Dame de Paris
(B) The Little Prince
(C) Waiting for Godot
26 Literature (I)
(A) The Grimm Reality
(B) A Matter of Attitude
(C) The Trojan War
27 Idiom and Phrases (I)
(A) The Origin of Phrase
(B) Expressions Related to Animals
(C) You’ve Got that Funny Feeling!
28 Idiom and Phrases (II)
(A) The Importance of Color
(B) The American Character
(C) Idioms in History
29 Celebrity: Singers
(A) Michael Jackson
(B) Susan Boyle
(C) The Beatles
30 Trends
(A) The “Metrosexual” Trend in Asia
(B) Bonding over Video Games
(C) Political Incorrect