

ISBN:4712780668061 科目:英文 出版社:三民 適用:高中 上架日期:2024-05-28 瀏覽人數:133
優惠價 NT$270 (84折)
定價 NT$320


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Unit 1 Nice to Meet You!
Unit 2 Thank You for the Gift
Unit 3 Where Are You From?
Unit 4 Are You Available Tomorrow?
Unit 5 Can You Give Me Some Advice?
Unit 6 Laying It on Too Thick
Unit 7 It’s My Favorite Snack at the Night Market
Unit 8 Let’s Divide Up the Tasks of the Project
Unit 9 Your Presentation Was Really Impressive
Unit 10 What Do You Say?
Unit 11 Have Some More!
Unit 12 Can I Ask You a Favor?
Unit 13 Thank You
Unit 14 Why the Long Face?
Unit 15 I’d Like to Make a Reservation
Unit 16 Which One Is Sophia?
Unit 17 The Meal Is on Me
Unit 18 It’s at Least Two Hours from Here
Unit 19 How Do We Get There?
Unit 20 What Size Do You Wear?
Unit 21 This Smartphone Doesn’t Work
Unit 22 That Sounds Like a Meaningful Thing to Do
Unit 23 The Kids Have Been Expecting You
Unit 24 What Are Your Plans for the Summer?
Unit 25 You’d Better Submit Your Request Soon
Unit 26 I’d Like to Make a Flight Reservation
Unit 27 Let’s Keep in Touch
Unit 28 You’re All Set
Unit 29 Ready for Take-Off
Unit 30 My Friend Is Getting a Little Airsick
Unit 31 It’ll Be Fun to Explore This Airport
Unit 32 Boston, Here We Come!
Unit 33 I Can’t Seem to Find My Baggage
Unit 34 Welcome to Boston
Unit 35 Is That True?
Unit 36 Good Luck on Your Test Tomorrow
Unit 37 Are These Seats Taken?
Unit 38 Here is the Syllabus for the Course
Unit 39 Footloose on the Freedom Trail
Unit 40 Happy Fourth of July!
Unit 41 Go, Red Sox!
Unit 42 Keep off the Lawn, Please
Unit 43 We’ve Got to Plan This Trip Carefully
Unit 44 Here Is Our Confirmation Slip
Unit 45 We’d Like to Know More About the Hostel’s Services
Unit 46 That Was a Great Show!
Unit 47 I’d Like a New York Strip Steak
Unit 48 My Neck Really Itches
Unit 49 Take One Pill with Warm Water After Each Meal
Unit 50 Goodbye, New York
Unit 51 Your Music Is Too Loud
Unit 52 How Would You Like Your Hair Done?
Unit 53 Congratulations on Your Excellent Work
Unit 54 Don’t Be a Stranger
Unit 55 What’s Your Dream University?
Unit 56 Have a Safe Trip Home
Unit 57 Exercise Reduces Stress
Unit 58 Any Tips on How to Dress for Success?
Unit 59 Congratulations on Your Admission
Unit 60 The Tassel Is Worth the Hassle