

ISBN:9789571469737 科目:英文 出版社:三民 適用:高中 上架日期:2021-02-01 瀏覽人數:967
優惠價 NT$205 (85折)
定價 NT$240



2. 附詳盡中譯及精闢解析,幫助你洞悉文章脈絡,強化理解能力。此外,每單元精心彙整10個實用字彙,豐富字彙寶典。

Unit1 Superstitions related to different Religions
Unit2 Harvest Celebration in Different Names
Unit3 Washing Powder and Political Correctness
Unit4 The Culture of food
Unit5 When in Rome,Do as the Romans Do
Unit6 Cosplay
Unit7 My nights with Lara
Unit8 Less is More
Unit9 Looking for Love 
Unit10 The Graetest Inventions of All time
Unit11 Blue for boys,Pink for Girls?
Unit12 Is SOHO Suitable for you?
Unit13 LGBTQIA Pride, from New York to Taipei
Unit14 Travelers in Different Times
Unit15 How Voice Recogniyion Technology Changes Our Lives
Unit16 Is Webcast Entertainment or Brainwashing?
Unit17 Yhe Origins of Fingerprint Identification
Unit18 The Unknown Part of "The Road Not Taken"
Unit19 Nessie Reality or Fiction?
Unit20 The Dying Coral Reefs
Unit21 Grender Roles of the Animal Kingdom
Unit22 Going Green is in Fashion
Unit23 Experience the Outside World
Unit24 What is Your Learning Style?